Monday, February 27, 2012

Roasted Parmesan Green Beans

This weekend the boyfriend and I went up to Seattle. We went up to see the greatest musical ever: Oklahoma! and to celebrate my brother's birthday. I dare you to resist watching this marvelous clip of Hugh Jackman singing the opening song "Oh What a Beautiful Morning". Unfortunately we didn't get to see Hugh Jackman, but he will be in the upcoming movie version of Les Miserables later this year. Lucky us!

Back to beans. I've been doing a lot of white beans and garbanzo beans and need to sprinkle in some green beans. My mom picked this recipe from to compliment the birthday dinner she was making my brother. It was incredibly simple and very easy.  The Green Beans were delightful and we will definitely be making these again. The recipe has one of my favorite qualities: customization. I followed the recipe this time with garlic powder and parmesan cheese, but there is a wealth of options you could sprinkle on these pretty green sticks.

 February is coming to a close very fast! I have two more recipes to try, so keep reading!


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